If you or a loved one needs help with a drinking problem, or you want information about AA in Lake and Sumter Counties. Staffed 24/7 by recovering alcoholics.

If you want to Drink that’s your business, if you want to get Sober that’s our business.

One day at a time – Sailing Over Booze Enjoying the Ride

Lake-Sumter Central Office

  • The primary purpose of the Lake-Sumter Central Office, a.k.a AA Lake-Sumter Intergroup, is to connect all the AA groups in Lake and Sumter County Florida. It is staffed by volunteers who are members of AA. There is one paid position which is the admin, who does all the accounting and banking. We are currently open three days a week from 10 am – 2 pm (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). We are always looking for volunteers!

    The Intergroup Steering Committee is responsible for running the office. Intergroup representatives vote on decisions proposed by the steering committee – Each group can have one representative and the more groups that are involved the better we can serve the groups. Anyone can attend a Steering and Representative meeting but only listen at steering meetings and each Intergroup rep can cast a vote.

    The AA Hotline is staffed by volunteers 24 hours a day – 7 days a week.

    For more information about the 24-hour hotline – visit https://aalakesumter.org/hotline-2/.

    The Intergroup Website is https://www.aalakesumter.org

    Services Provided by Lake-Sumter Intergroup Include (For a full appreciation please visit the website):

    • Conduct the business functions of the office – see Scopes and Procedures
      • Financial reports
      • Banking
      • Phone
      • Cleaning
      • Cash Register
      • Starting Jan 31 2025 – a new meeting at the Intergroup Office at 10 am – open type to be decided by members
    • Provide Conference-approved literature for groups and Individuals
    • Provide Non-conference-approved Literature
    • Conduct monthly steering committee and Intergroup Representatives meeting
    • Maintain the phone system and 24 hour Hotline and office phone during business hours
    • Maintain a website with AA-related information
    • Ask groups if they want to schedule an event – the latest request was for a picnic in Wildwood – check the Website
    • If requested by a group post a message and a flyer on the website
    • Conduct yearly events – Christmas Gala, Bike-Fest in Leesburg
    • Schedule and create materials for workshops such as “Joe and Charlie Big Book Study” … “Step 3-4-5 workshop”
    • Maintain Lake and Sumter County Meetings on The AA Meeting Guide mobile app (Chair App – this app also contains all AA meetings worldwide and is a great aide when travelling)
    • Publish a monthly newsletter
    • Create a printed Where and When, updated monthly, of all local meetings
    • Maintain Literature for Area 14 Corrections
    • Accept donations for Intergroup and Corrections – provide a year-to-date contribution report by group Intergroup and forward corrections monies to Area 14 Corrections
    • Volunteers travel to AA meetings and ask for feedback and provide information (each group that has an Intergroup representative receives Where and Whens, Financial Report, and Newsletter. Copies of flyers for events at the monthly representative meeting, Meetings are in-person and on Zoom.

  • The primary purpose of the Lake-Sumter Central Office, a.k.a AA Lake-Sumter Intergroup, is to connect all the AA groups in Lake and Sumter County Florida. It is staffed by volunteers who are members of AA. There is one paid position which is the admin, who does all the accounting and banking. We are currently open three days a week from 10 am – 2 pm (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday). We are always looking for volunteers!

    The Intergroup Steering Committee is responsible for running the office. Intergroup representatives vote on decisions proposed by the steering committee – Each group can have one representative and the more groups that are involved the better we can serve the groups. Anyone can attend a Steering and Representative meeting but only listen at steering meetings and each Intergroup rep can cast a vote.

    The AA Hotline is staffed by volunteers 24 hours a day – 7 days a week.

    For more information about the 24-hour hotline – visit https://aalakesumter.org/hotline-2/.

    The Intergroup Website is https://www.aalakesumter.org

    Services Provided by Lake-Sumter Intergroup Include (For a full appreciation please visit the website):

    • Conduct the business functions of the office – see Scopes and Procedures
      • Financial reports
      • Banking
      • Phone
      • Cleaning
      • Cash Register
      • Starting Jan 31 2025 – a new meeting at the Intergroup Office at 10 am – open type to be decided by members
    • Provide Conference-approved literature for groups and Individuals
    • Provide Non-conference-approved Literature
    • Conduct monthly steering committee and Intergroup Representatives meeting
    • Maintain the phone system and 24 hour Hotline and office phone during business hours
    • Maintain a website with AA-related information
    • Ask groups if they want to schedule an event – the latest request was for a picnic in Wildwood – check the Website
    • If requested by a group post a message and a flyer on the website
    • Conduct yearly events – Christmas Gala, Bike-Fest in Leesburg
    • Schedule and create materials for workshops such as “Joe and Charlie Big Book Study” … “Step 3-4-5 workshop”
    • Maintain Lake and Sumter County Meetings on The AA Meeting Guide mobile app (Chair App – this app also contains all AA meetings worldwide and is a great aide when travelling)
    • Publish a monthly newsletter
    • Create a printed Where and When, updated monthly, of all local meetings
    • Maintain Literature for Area 14 Corrections
    • Accept donations for Intergroup and Corrections – provide a year-to-date contribution report by group Intergroup and forward corrections monies to Area 14 Corrections
    • Volunteers travel to AA meetings and ask for feedback and provide information (each group that has an Intergroup representative receives Where and Whens, Financial Report, and Newsletter. Copies of flyers for events at the monthly representative meeting, Meetings are in-person and on Zoom.